Online Workshop “Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Jakarta Bay”
Keynote Speaker: Sarwono Kusumaatmadja
Session-1: Dinamics of coastal transformation in the word (5 July 2021, 13.40-15.30 WIB)
Moderator: Jonas Hein (Univ of Kiel)
-Franz Kraus (Univ of Cologne)
-Johannes Herbek/Rapti Sirwardane-de Zoysa (Univ of Bremen)
-Wilmar Salim (Univ of Singapore)
Session-2: Developing a research and policy agenda for the Jakarta bay (5 July 2021, 15.45-17.00 WIB)
Moderator: Soeryo Adiwibowo
-Luky Adrianto (CCMRS)
-Suraya Afif (UI)
-Arya Hadi Dharmawan (SKPM IPB)
Session-3: Retionale beyond and reclamation of Jakarta bay: the policy prespective (6 July 2021, 13.40-15.30 WIB)
Moderator: Rina Mardiana
-Agung Kuswandono (Secretary of Coord. Ministry of Maritime and Investment)
-Suharyanto (MoMF)
-Nasruddin Djoko Surjono (Bappeda DKI Jakarta)
Session-4: Socio-ecological impact of reclamation and the future of Jakarta bay governance and development (5 July 2021, 15.45-17.00 WIB)
Moderator: Ferry Kurniawan
-Ario Damar (CCMRS IPB)
-Susan Herawati (KIARA)
-Rilus Kinseng (CTSS IPB)
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